November 15, 2011

A New Review of Everblossom: A Short Story and Poetry Anthology

I know y'all must be tired of dancing in a celebratory manner, so instead I'll post the link here.

I'll throw some confetti since I got a perfect review!

*throws confetti*

And I'll give y'all a high five kick!!

*woo hoo high give kick!*

Okay, well there is one more thing I want to discuss: LibraryThing Giveaway.

Recently, I put my lovely book, Everblossom, on the giveaway list and it is now over! So there will probably be more posts like this in the near future.

So save up your energy for more dancing! I think there will be more good news around the corner, and probably the inevitable one star review will eventually pop up too. But for today, I'll give you a break, lol.

In other news, I guess y'all have noticed the flurry of action on this blog with interviews, giveaways, and guest posts galore.

That's right galore.

You can tell I'm a soon-to-be English teacher, huh? :D

Anyway, I'm hoping to post more as the holidays creep up so I can actually give y'all some much needed opinions and some rant-a-thons. So don't distress, worry or fear, this author will be back. :)

Oh, and have y'all noticed my guest post over at Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf!?

Well, hop on over there right now!

Now that you're done hopping, back to me. Focus! All right, now I'll probably post less reviews (since I got some hefty books ahead after the review tomorrow), but if you want to read more reviews, I would suggest you check out my Goodreads page and twitter page. I always post my reviews on Goodreads which then gets posted on my twitter.

Just a thought.

Anyway, enjoy the review tomorrow of Let's Get Digital and would you look at that, he guest posted on JA Konrath's blog. Check it out here.


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